Friday, October 12, 2007

“Narration of Adam and His Kin” by Gracie Moffatt- age 6

(This has been transcribed by Mom.)

My mom has been reading me this book called “Adam and His Kin” by Ruth Beechick. The book is about Adam and his life, and his children and grandchild’s lives.
Back in the beginning it was very dark and there was no light except the light in God’s heart. He was so great he wanted to share his joy and love inside of him with someone, so He made the earth and animals. He made small creatures that crept on the ground and all animals that walk on the earth.
Then God thought all his joy was not out yet. He decided to make something very special to him that he would love dearly. So he made man in his own image. God named him Adam. The man was lonely so God put him in a deep sleep and made woman out of his rib. Her name was Eve.
When Eve was in the garden she saw the serpent. The serpent had wings, for God had made him the most beautiful animal of all.
The serpent said, ”Did God really say not to eat of this tree?”.
The woman said, “We can eat any of the trees in the Garden except this tree, for it is the tree of Good and Evil”.
The serpent said, “God doesn’t mean this, he knows that if you eat from this tree you will be a god like him.”
So Eve listened to the serpent. She knew when she ate the fruit she had done wrong and she was scared. She went to Adam. Adam ate the fruit too so she wouldn’t die alone.
God was sad and angry. You must leave the garden and never come back. God guarded the garden with two angels. The angels had flaming swords in their hands and four faces. One face was a lion, the great beast of the field. One was the head of the man. One was the face of an ox, and the last was the face of an eagle. The angel could see in all directions.
God sacrificed an animal for their sin. That was the first death they had ever seen in their lives. Adam and Eve were very disappointed in themselves. They tried to make a home for themselves as good as the garden, but it never was.


Jo said...

Gracie-that was a great narration of the story of the Garden of Eden! Why do you think God made that tree in the first place? Do you think that Adam and Eve should have trusted God more and the crafty serpent less?
Great job-you are reading really important stories and learning important things that God wants us to know about how we should live.
-Aunt Jo