Thursday, March 11, 2010


I can deal with lizards crawling all over, killing snakes, and pigeons that will steal your sandwich, but this was a little much. Yesterday was a day of biblical proportions. At 11am we were overcome by subterranean termites. In about 30 seconds our whole sunroom was SWARMING with the little suckers. They started coming through the cracks of the door. Then they started OOZing through the walls and ceilings. I screamed at Jack to get my Dyson and started sucking them up as fast as possible (gunslinger style). The girls wetted down towels to seal the cracks; Grace kept getting distracted because she wanted to look at the bugs to discover if they were male or female!!! I'm like "Who freakin' cares, KILL THEM NOW!" Then Ellie starts screaming, "Mom they're upstairs in my room!" OK we're moving and buying new stuff.

Needless to say we needed professional help. I am now in Georgia, staying with John while my house is being bombed with poison. As if the day wasn't bizarre enough (packing clothes as fast as possible while shaking bugs off of them!) the neighbor calls right as I'm crossing state lines at 10pm and says their cat somehow got locked in my house! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? UNBELIEVEABLE. No it doesn't end there. I hit a possum 20 minutes outside of Columbus. So now I have about 5 billion insect bodies carcasses in my house, people I barely know cat hunting in my house, and possum guts on my bumper. AWESOMESICK,SICK,SICK!!!


Lindley Family said...


Heather said...

Disgusting!!!! I have nothing else to say.

Katie Eagy said...

Hannah and I both say "EEEEWWWWWWW!" Glad you could escape and I hope they are all DEAD when you get back! Oh, yuck. I wish I could rescue you!

Corey said...

I think you should get your rent back for this month! (maybe next month too...)

The Timmons Family said...

Oh my Mom and I read this together and just couldn't believe it!! You finally get things organized and unpacked and then get hit with THIS! SO SORRY! I hope your journaling all of this because you all have had quite the adventure! Ask for your deposit back!! Steph and Luke got theirs back when they found out that there were a bunch of rats in the attic at their new place. They had to listen to the traps go off all night till they were all gone!

Sugarcoma said...

Suddenly I feel like there are little bugs all over me! Gross!

Shannon said...

O.k I'm pretty sure you're the ONLY person on the planet who can actually look cute while sucking up TERMITES! That is wild!! I just got the chills thinking about those little mites! SICCKKK! This is an awesome story and one you and your kiddos will be telling for a long time, and in 20 years it will be hysterical!
Oh, we were in Orlando (actually Melbourne). Quite a ways away from you right? We had awesome weather. I would move there in a heartbeat. We go every other year, and every time I'm there I fall more and more in love with it.

Jason and Lisa said...

You are a brave woman April! I am not sure what I would have done, but walking around my house trying to get rid of them would not have even been an option. Oh, man. That does seem like too much to handle!

Unknown said...

All I can say is I can relate!!!! Oh friend, I feel like you are living an alternate life of mine somehow..that sounds crazy but ya, the possum, columbus (Ben has such warm and fuzzy place in his heart for that nasty was so good for him in the army. so many sweet times of fellowship), bugs infesting your house, nothing to do, being a "northerner", single mom, we could go on. I love you and am praying for you!!!

Terry said...

So hope you enjoy Gulf Coast Community to the max! Blessings!