Dad got to join us after work.
Our guide was a South Carolinian and gave us a very informational tour. His history of the Revolutionary war and Civil War varied quite a bit from the history I've learned. Apparently Carolina was the richest, biggest, and brightest colony. They had a better Tea Party because they just stole the tea and kept it for themselves. They fought more battles and sacrificed more than any other colony. Apparently Texas and California once belonged to Carolina as well. The Civil War or "The War of Northern Aggression" was a great indecency done to the south. He even said that slavery wasn't that bad because slaves had the freedom to fish and hunt after their chores were done. Interesting. The arrogance and pride that came from a man who drove a tourists carriage for a living was unbelievable to me. Very interesting nonetheless.
A passing carriage.
You can see the architectural influence from the people who came from Barbados in the pretty pastel-colored homes.
The 200 year old Live Oaks are also a favorite of mine.
I love the laterns!
Not exactly a historic sight, but classic in its own special way.
Notice the gas laterns on the walls of the buildings. They are lit 365 days a year all through the city. It makes for a beautiful romantic city but has a funny back story. The city is all piped for natural gas, but the plans of the pipes were lost long ago and so, to make sure there are no explosions from pockets of gas build-up, everyone has to burn natural gas year round.
A tavern down this alley has a chair at the bar that no one is allowed to sit in ever, because George Washington once sat in that chair!
Some of the headstones in this church cemetary dated back to the 1700's.
Another gas latern in the portico of a beautiful church.
Jack and Katy enjoying King St.
The end of a great day. Pizza and monoploy await us back at the hotel room.